- “Hate Your Neighbor As You Hate Yourself: How to Think Psychoanalytically about Hate, Racism, and Exclusion” in Nadia Bou Ali and Surti Singh, Eds. Extimacy, Evanston, IL, Norwestern University Press, 2025.
- Prologue in Liora Stavchansky, Infans, Mexico: Paradiso Editores, 2024
- “The Respiratory Drive: Psychoanalysis’s Ground Zero” Critical Essays On the Drive: Lacanian Theory and Practice (with Jamieson Webster) in Eve Watson and Dan Collins, Eds., pages 165-176. New York: Routledge, 2024.
- "A Courageous Endeavour" in Clinical Encouters and the Lacanian Analyst: Who's Your Dora, Dries G. M. Dulsster, page 90-101. New York: Routledge, 2024.
- "Un symptome colonial. Le syndrome portoricain" in Livio Boni & Sophie Mendelsohn, ed. Psychanalyse du Reste du Monde: Géo-histoire d'une subversion, Paris: La Découverte, 2023. 219-234
- "Laughing at and with Psychoanalysis" (with Jamieson Webster) Crisis and Critique, Volume 10 / Issue 2, 17-11-2023. 124-149.
- "Odia a tu prójimo como a ti mismo" Lapsus Calami,: Revista de Psicoanálisis, Buenos Aires, Otoño 2023, 67-71.
- “The monsters within and the monsters without: Gender dissidents and the future of psychoanalysis” Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Vol. 20, Issue, 1, 2023, 65-81.
- “Dressing up the death drive” in Lacan on Depression and Melancholia, (with Jamieson Webster) eds. Derek Hook and Stijn Vanheule, New York: Routledge, 2023, 157-169.
- “Why I Did Not Write a Book on Lacan and Tango” E-Flux Journal, https://www.e-flux.com/notes/530284/why-i-did-not-write-a-book-on-lacan-and-tango, March 2023.
- Prologue in Jorge Reitter, Heteronormativity and psychoanalysis: Oedipus Gay , Routledge, 2022.
- "Hate Up to My Couch: Psychoanalysis, Community, Poverty and the Role of Hatred" Psychoanalysis and History, Volume 24 Issue 3, page 269-290, ISSN 1460-8235 Available Online Dec 2022. Open access. (https://doi.org/10.3366/pah.20)
- "Beyond fear and pity". Psychoanalytic Review, 109(3), 2022, 287–308.
- " Psicoanálisis 'rarito' : un Freud queer y un Lacan trans" Polimorfismos: Diversidades sexuales y de género en el psicoanálisis contemporáneo Eds Leticia Glocer Fiorini, Jean-Marc Tauszik, Silvia Acosta, compiladores, Buenos Aires: Lugar Editorial, 2022, 79-85.
- "Schreber's Grande Bellezza" Laws of Transgression: The Return of Judge Schreber, Eds Peter Goodrich and Katrin Trustedt, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 152-170, 2022.
- "Yearning to Be: Authenticity and Truth in Clinical Psychoanalytic Practice" in The Truths of Psychoanalysis, Eds Jasper Fayaerts and Paulo Beer, Leuven: Leuven University Press, 87-96, 2022.
- De la estructura como imixión de una otredad previa a un sujeto cualquiera (1966). Introducción. In Jacques Lacan, Tres Escritos, (Paradiso: 2021) 87-98.
- "The respiratory drive" (with Jamieson Webster). Psychoanalytic Psychology, 38(2), 2021, 128–130.
- “Un psicoanálisis para el pueblo”. Aperturas Psicoanalíticas (68/ 2021). http://aperturas.org/articulo.php?articulo=0001160
- “The Lost Souls of the Barrio: Lacanian Psychoanalysis in the Ghetto” in Sheldon George and Derek Hook, Lacan and Race: Racism, Identity and Psychoanalytic Theory, Routledge: New York, 2021, 183-204.
- "Le pousse-à-la-femme comme « belvédère clinique » " Savoirs et clinique 2021/2 (n° 29), 131- 140.
- “Does the Father Need to be a Man? Trans* Embodiments and Parenthood” in Liliane Weissberg, Psychoanalysis, Fatherhood, and the Modern Family, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2021, 165-184.
- “Lacan in English” in Albert Nguyen, ed. Lacan au-delà des frontiers, Stilus: Paris, 2021, 63-71.
- “A Polemic on the Pandemic: Death Does Not Makes Us Equal” European Journal of Psychoanalysis, June, 2021.
- “Handle with Care: Experiments in Case Transmission,” Division Review 24, APA, Society for Psychology and Psychoanalytic Psychology, Summer 2021, 19-23.
- “A Phantom Phallus?”, Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 21:4, 296-301, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/15240657.2020.1842070
- "Turning the Periodic Tables: Lacan's Colon," Division Review 21, APA, Society for Psychology and Psychoanalytic Psychology, Summer 2020, 26-31.
- La "réelite" du corps trans entre beauté et plasticité La Clinique Lacanienne La pluralité des genres ? C'est l'heure de l'inventaire
Numéro 31 - Revue semestrielle, 2020, 55-76. - Lacans Gender Trouble: Henri und Michel H. RISS - Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, 91, TRANS, (2019) 43-58.
- “Terror and the Unconscious: Psychoanalysis in Argentina, 1976-1983” in Vanessa Sinclair and Manya Steinkoler (eds) On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives. Routledge: New York, 2019, pp. 199-205.
- "Quando o transgénero e psicótico? Lacan e a ética da diferença sexual" in Faces do Sexual: Fronteras entre genero e inconsciente, Rafael Kalaf Cossi (ed), Aller Editora: Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2019, 99-127.
- “The Situation of the Psychoanalysis and the Training of analysts in 1956” in Reading Lacan’s Ecrits: From the Freudian Thing to Remarks on Daniel Lagache, Stijn Van Heule, Derek Hook and Calum Neil, Eds, (with Manya Steinkoler) Routledge: New York, 2019.
- "Matters of Life and Sex: Trans-ing Psychoanalysis" Public Seminar, June 25, 2019.
- “Transgender expressions and psychosis: Towards an ethics of sexual difference” British Journal of Psychotherapy 35, 3 (2019) 417–430.
- "Commentary on Gulati and Pauley" . Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 2019 Feb;67(1):123-132
- “Transpsychoanalysis” philoSOPHIA State University of New York Press, N1 - Volume 9, Number 1, Winter 2019.
- "The Argentinean Exception Proves the Rule" Lacan: Psychoanalysis, Philosophy, Politics, Edited by Agon Hamza & Frank Ruda, CRISIS AND CRITIQUE, Volume 6, issue 1, 02-04-2019, pp.114-129.
- "Clinic of the Clinamen: The Materiality of the Symptom" / "Klinica klinamena: materialnost simptoma, Filozofski vestnik: Towards a Politics of the Body, Volume XXXIX, Number 3, 2018. pp. 23-46.
- Interview: “Psychosis Therapy Project: An innovative Psychoanalytic Treatment Program: Interview with Dorothée Bonnigal-Katz,” Division Review 18. Society for Psychology and Psychoanalytic Psychology, Division 39, 2018 (with Manya Steinkoler.)
- "A psicanálise está preparada para a mudança de sexo?" Translated to Portuguese by José Maurício Loures. Trivium [online]. 2018, vol.10, n.2, pp. 130-139. ISSN 2176-4891. http://dx.doi.org/10.18379/2176-4891.2018v2p.130.
- “Psychoanalysis Needs a Sex Change” in Oren Gozlan (ed.) Current Critical Debates in the Field of Transsexual Studies: In Transition, Routledge: New York, 2018, pp. 75-88.
- "Anxious? Castration Is the Solution!", Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 38:1, 2018, 83-90.
- “The Puerto Rican Syndrome and the Eye of Maria/El syndrome puertorriqueño y ojo de María” in UNA PROPOSICIÓN MODESTA: PUERTO RICO A PRUEBA/A MODEST PROPOSAL: PUERTO RICO'S CRUCIBLE, exhibition catalog: Spanish/English. An initiative of Allora & Calzadilla edited by Sara Nadal-Melsió.
- “Plastic Sex: The Beauty of It!” in Inheritance in Psychoanalysis edited by Joel Goldbach and James A. Godley, SUNY Press: Albany, 2018, pp. 290-312.
- “Botched Bodies: Inventing Gender and Constructing Sex” in A Psychoanalytic Exploration of the Body in Today’s World: On The Body edited by Vaia Tsolas and Christine Anzieu-Premmereur, Routledge: New York, 2018, pp. 159-173.
- “Depathologizing Trans: From Symptom to Sinthome” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quaterly, Vol 4, Numbers 3-4, November 2017, pp. 534-555.
https://read.dukeupress.edu/tsq/article/4/3-4/534/132847/Depathologizing-TransFrom-Symptom-to-Sinthome. - “Sexual Difference: From Symptom to Sinthome” in Clinical Encounters in Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Practice and Queer Theory, edited by Noreen Giffney and Eve Watson, Punctum Books: New York, 2017, 369-382.
- "Una era pos-género?" Letra Urbana, Revista digital de cultura, ciencia y pensamiento. Interpretando los nuevos estilos de vida y la sociedad que crea la tecnología. Julio 2017.
- "Laughing About Nothing: Democritus and Lacan" in Lacan, Psychoanalysis and Comedy, Gherovici and Steinkoler, Eds. Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp. 60-72.
- “Baba Erkek Olmak Zorunda midir? Pousse-a-la-femme ve Transseksuel Jouissance” SURET, Turkish Journal of Psychoanalysis and Culture, 57-70. Vol 8, 2016.
- "Género en Tránsito" Trivium: Estudos Interdisciplinares, Ano VIII, Ed. 2, Dez 2016, p.165-172.
- “« Born This Way »: l’Amérique à l’épreuve du transgenre.” in Genre et psychanalyse; La différence des sexes en question, edited by Jean-Jacques Rassial and Fanny Chevalier, pp. 161-179, Eres: Toulouse, 2016.
- "How to be a more perfect hysteric" European Journal of Psychoanalysis, Number 3 – 2015 http://www.journal-psychoanalysis.eu/how-to-be-a-more-perfect-hysteric/
- "Por favor, seleccione su género" in Psicoanálisis y el hospital, Identidades, Numero 47, año 24, Junio 2015, 8-14.
- "The Bad Psychoanalyst: Watching the Success of FailureT" in Eavesdropping" The Psychotherapist in Film and Television, co-authored with Jamieson Webster, edited by Lucy Huskinson and Terrie Waddel, pp.107-126, Routledge, New York, 2015.
- "Sans foi ni loi : psychanalyse et cinéma en Argentine", Savoir et Clinique: Revue de psychanalyse, No. 17-2014.
- "Observations from Working with Female Obsessionals" European Journal of Psychoanalysis, Number 2, 2014/2. Co-authored with Jamieson Webster.
- The Art of the Symptom: Body, Writing, and Sex-Change" in A Concise Companion to Psychoanalysis, Literature and Culture, edited by Laura Marcus and Ankhi Mukherjee, pp. 250-270, Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2014.
- "Where Have the Hysterics Gone? Lacan's Reinvention of Hysteria" ESC English Studies in Canada, 40. 1 (March 2014), 47-70.
- "Let's Beat Up the Poor" in CR: The New Centennial Review, Vol 13, Issue 3, 2013 pp. 1-28.
- "O escato-logos de Freud. Toletes de cultura" in 100 anos de Totem e Tabu, edited by Betty Fuks , Carina Basualdo and Nestor Braunstein, pp. 171-188, Contracapa, Rio de Janeiro, 2013.
- "El Escato-Logos de Freud. Mojones de cultura" in Freud: A cien años de Totem y Tabú. 1913-2013 edited by Nestor Braunstein, Betty Fuks and Carina Basualdo, pp. 176-195, Siglo XXI, Mexico, 2013.
- “The Transsexual Body Written: Writing as Sinthome” in The Literary Lacan, edited by Santanu Biswas, pp.259-290. Seagull Books: London, New York and, Calcutta and Chicago University Press, 2013.
- "Le Scato-Logos de Freud: Bornes de la culture" in Totem et Tabou: Cent Ans Après, edited by Carina Basualdo, Nestor Braunstein, and Betty Fuks, pp. 173-190. Le Bord de L'Eau: Paris, 2013.
- “Clinique du clinamen, matiere et manienre du nouage transsexuel” Jacques Lacan Materialiste, Savoir et Clinique: Revue de psychanalyse, No. 16-2013, pp. 152-159.
- Co-authored with Jamieson Webster, “The Abdication of Her Royal Highness, Melancholy” The Candidate Journal: Perspectives From An Evolving Psychoanalytic Community, Vol. 5, January 2012.
- “Bulimia: Between Phobia and Addiction” in Lacan and Addiction: An Anthology, edited by Yael Goldman Baldwin, Kareen Malone, and Thomas Svolos, pp. 93-110. Karnac Press: London, 2011.
- “¿Soy heterosexual o bisexual? Una genealogia de la pregunta desde la histeria al transgenerismo en los EE.UU.” Psicoanálisis y el Hospital: Publicación semestral de practicantes en Instituciones Hospitalarias Año 21, Número 39, Mayo 2011, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- “Psychoanalysis Needs A Sex Change” in Gay & Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2011.
- “Does A Father Need to Be A Man?” in Sexual Identity and the Unconscious, Formations du Champ Lacanien: Paris, 2011.
- “Lacan’s Hysterization of the Unconscious: From Simulation to Stimulation” In Analysis No 15, 2009: On Difference.
- “On Female Homosexuality” in Anxiety: The Affect of the Real, Formations du Champ Lacanien: Paris, 2009.
- “Falling On the Wrong Side of the Tracks: Sidonie and Female Homosexuality,” The Journal of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, Number 18, 2008, p. 13– 42.
- “Freud’s Dream of America” in The Dreams of Interpretation: A Century Down the Royal Road, edited by Catherine Liu, John Mowitt, Thomas Pepper, and Jakki Spicer, pp. 39-53. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2007.
- “The Psychoanalytic Wager and the Democratization of Transgenderism” in The Ethics of the Analytic Treatment,, Formations Cliniques du Champ Lacanien, Research Group Lacan in English, Paris: Documents des Formations du Champ Lacanien, 2007.
- “Un Freud francés con acento español” Imago Agenda. P.22-24. Buenos Aires, 2004.
- “Demand: Just Ask (the hysteric)” in The Clinic of Transference: Lacan's Seminar VIII, Formations Cliniques du Champ Lacanien, Research Group Lacan in English, Paris: Documents des Formations du Champ Lacanien, 2004.
- “Between Meaning and Madness: The Altered States of Hispanics in the U.S.", Where id was: Challenging Normalization in Psychoanalysis, edited by Anthony Molino and Christine Ware, pp. 149-163. Continuum: London and New York, 2001.
- “A Lacanian at the 2001 APA Convention” PSPP Currents: Philadephia Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology: Magazine for Mental Health Professionals Interested in the Psychoanalytic Perspective (Magazine of the local chapter of the Division of Psychoanalysis of the American Psychological Association). Pp.6-7, Nov. 2001.
- “Anger Is Sexy”, prologue in Erotic Anger: A User’s Manual, by Gerard Pommier, translated by Catherine Liu, pp. vii-xix. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2001. “Être lacanien aux Etats Unis aujourd’hiu” Hétérité: Revue de psychanalyse pp. 117-121. Paris, 2001.
- "Why Do People Take Prozac? Anxiety, Symptom, and the Inhibition of Responsibility ", in Looking at Lacan: A Lacanian Reader for Psychologists, edited by Kareen Malone and Stephen Friedlander, pp.279-295. SUNY Press : New York, 2000.
- “Psychoanalysis: Resistible and Irresistible” in Lacan in America, Jean-Michel Rabaté, editor, pp. 93-106. Other Press: New York, 2000.
- “El discreto encanto del Prozac” Psicoanálisis y el Hospital: Publicación semestral de practicantes en Instituciones Hospitalarias Año 8, Número Nov 1999, Buenos Aires, Argentina páginas 8-15.
- “Las vacilaciones de la responsabilidad subjetiva en los Estados Unidos hoy” Atas da Reuniao lacanoamericana de Psicanalise da Bahia ELBA Editora:Bahia-Brazil 1999.
- “A infancia nao e coisa de criancas” Estilos da Clinica: Revista sobre a Infancia com Problemas, Volume IV, numero 6. July 1999, pages 18-27. . Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de Sao Paolo, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
- Introducing Lacan by Darien Leader and Judy Groves, Book Review, Clinical Studies: International Journal for Psychoanalysis, Volume 3, Number 3, 1998, pages 102-6 Critical Press, New York.
- "Le ghetto contre-attaque: la production hysterique dans le barrio portoricain aux Etats-Unis". La clinique lacanienne. Revue internationale. Numero 3: Encore?, l’hysterie. Pages 135-150. Eres: Paris, 1998.
- "The Hispanic La Raza: Psychoanalysis and Losing (The) Race” Clinical Studies: International Journal for Psychoanalysis, Volume 3, Number 1, 1997, pages 55-71 Critical Press, New York.
- “Elaine Showalter. Hystories: Hysterical Epidemics and Modern Culture, Book Review” Clinical Studies: International Journal for Psychoanalysis, Volume 3, Number 1, 1997 pages 119-122. Critical Press, New York.
- “Mens Prozac in corpore Xanax: As hesitaçoes da responsabilidade subjetiva nos EUA hoje” Estilos da Clinica: Revista sobre a Infancia com Problemas, Ano II, numero 3, 2do semestre 1997, pages 15-20. Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de Sao Paolo, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
- “El suplicio de lalengua” Clinica de Borde: El dolor en la clinica, Number 3, 1997, pages 133-142, Convocatoria Clinica Ediciones, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- "Blocking the Hispanic Unconscious: Subjectivity and Subjection", Clinical Studies: International Journal for Psychoanalysis, Volume 2, Number 2, 1997. Critical Press, New York.
- "The Puerto Rican Syndrome", Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, Number 2, November 1996. pages 182-186 Critical Press, New York.
- "Sigmund dans le Barrio", Scansions, Numéro Spécial "L'avenir de la Psychanalyse", November 1996, Paris, France, p. 7.
- "Recuerdos del futuro: histeria raza y el ghetto hispano" in 1895-1995, Estudios sobre la histeria cien años después; pp. 33-43, 1996. Ediciones Kline: Buenos Aires, 1996.
- “Return to Klein: A Lacanian Rereading”, Clinical Studies: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol 2, Number 1, 1996, Critical Press, New York.
- “The Ghetto Sublime Hysterics” Bien Dire, Vols 2-3, 1995-1996. pages 5-21.Old Dominion University Press, Norfolk, Va. "
- "Abuso de la inocencia" in El cuerpo: el psicoanálisis frente al orden biológico, pp. 99-107, Ediciones Kline: Buenos Aires, 1993.
- "Psychoanalysis and War", Psychologist Psychoanalyst, Official Publication of the American Psychological Association, Spring 1993, 25-6. New York